Monday 6 October 2008

A Few More Weeks...

In about 2 weeks our midterm break comes. AMAZING! I can't believe it!!! It's going to be fun non-school time, finally!

To compensate for that, though, the last two weeks of school are extra packed with work and projects. Go figure. I have to do layout for brochures, contact relatively famous people for a photography project, write several papers, and take a few midterms. Hooray!

I still have all the energy in the world, yet I seem to be lacking a little thing called... time. Yeah. Time flies. Especially this semester. A minute's here, the next moment it's gone... and then an hour has passed... and then a day. It's ridiculous. But what can we do, there's no escaping the man-made confines of a 24-hour day. Approximately 4 of those hours are allocated to sleep.

I don't have too many stories to tell. :( It's sad really. I am doing office hours right now at the Student Union office and the main reason why I decided to write a blog entry is cause I love the sound of this keyboard!! No, that's NOT an absolutely random and irrelevant reason to post this blog!!!

I registered for Spring 2009 now. I have all my classes for next term... all I have to do now is keep up my GPA and keep my scholarship so that I can actually continue my education. No biggie. Haha.

Okay, I'll actually be gone now since my office hours are over and I have to head back home for dinner. Love you all, and I will keep posting the most random blog entries when I have the time. PS: Happy birthday to anyone who happens to read this blog today (and who happens to have a bday today of course)

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