Saturday 7 February 2009

Reality Check

All the snow in London is gone. The only reminiscences of the fluffy white days are the random carrots, scattered around streets and courtyards... all the noses of the snowmen... Sigh.

As London's back to its usual, rainy self, I've been busy thinking up designs for one of my classes. I seem to be doing something terribly wrong, bringing my professor to the verge mental breakdown, resulting in mental breakdown on my part, naturally... It's not that bad, but he's just one of those people who have slight issues with their temper and probably do not know the term 'constructive' criticism... It's SEARCH AND DESTROY for them :) We'll survive in the end, though... After tons of work, which is what today is all about...

I've been distracting myself with all sorts of distractions in the mean time; I felt quite accomplished yesterday - I finally finished a leisure book :)) And it was a great one, too, very convoluted and captivating; and one of the longer novels I've read. So there, some distractions have been quite productive.

I'm already longing for Spring Break, though, which probably won't be that much of a 'break' - rather, it will be time for partey, fun, explorations, and the Killers!! AH! :D Hahaha, yep, we will sing Human at the top of our lungs!! In Manchester, too! :) Hooray for adventures!!!!

So much for updates now.. I'm off to get a quick power snack and then - whooosh - illustrator tiiiime!

Monday 2 February 2009

Snow in London!

You know how I've been wishing for snow for soooo long?? Well, ladies and gentlemen, my wish finally came true!! :)) And guess what? I'm lovin' it!!! :D It's funny that London pretty much stopped functioning due to the 'heavy' snowfall - but it's understandable in the end, when you consider that there's no snow here.. ever. Classes are canceled, public transportation is down, people are slipping in the streets - it's marvelous :) The second floor of the V&A museum was also closed due to the snowfall. Go figure.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Поредните лоши новини...

Всеки път щом отворя сайта на нетинфо.бг оставам малко или повече втрещена... защо трябва винаги негативните новини да преобладават... то не са убийства и произшествия, корупция и мошеничество, нелепа смърт и побоища, мизерия и оплаквания... Едва ли не излиза, че нищо хубаво не се случва. И всеки път виновните се изплъзват или с лека присъда, или с купчинка пари, или с мазни думи. И -ха- да има малко надежда, че нещата ще се оправят - тя бива заличена на момента с поредната доза негативизъм; или с поредния съкрушителен доклад на евро комисията. Какво стана след няколкото протеста? Миков още си е вкопчен в поста си като пиявица, други промени май не настъпиха, освен опитите да се рестартират блокове на АЕЦ, тъй да се каже нелегално... само дето хората не искаха това да става... Но както и да е, пак ще се усетим, че нещо е нередно след като е твърде късно... След дъжд качулка, това ни е житейският принцип очевидно.

Жалко само, че има толкова прекрасни хора, които непрестанно страдат от простотиите в нашата иначе много красива и природно надарена държава. Дано дойде моментът и за нашият 'Обама', който да промени ситуацията (или поне, който да дава добри обещания как ще промени всичко). Американците се оплакваха от осемте години страдание под управлението на Буш, ама ние колко години трябва да чакаме да ни огрее малко слънчице?

Уф, нещо се депресирах сега от тези писания. Искам само малко промяна; ей така причина и ние да сме супер щастливи; разбира се по-голямо щастие от това човек да е заобиколен от верни приятели, обичан и здрав няма, но и това щастие само до един момент може да поддържа духа над цялата лютеница...

Нека все пак си вярваме, че в един удобен момент всичко ще се оправи! А дотогава, we're halfway there, living on a prayer... :)

Late Night Adventures

Jess, Rocio and I went club-hopping last night as part of my tilllate assignments, and boy, did we have a grand time!! We went to two places, Jewel and Verve. Jewel was sooo crowded, and the music wasn't too danceable either, so we didn't stay there too long... Yet the next club we went to - Verve - was amazing! :D

On our way there though, aka the great trek between Piccadilly and Leicester Square, we had to take out money. The ATM was on the opposite side of the street... we started crossing, but then saw cars approaching us at dangerous rates, and rushed back to the sidewalk. Great, only Rocio's credit card fell in the middle of the road... It got run over by a black cab and a few other cars, with us watching in shock what we thought were the last moments of that card... As soon as the cars stopped, Jess rushed to pick up the card which had miraculously survived; not only that, but the card was also kind enough to give us money :)

As soon as we got to Verve, we loved the music they were playing! A brief 'karaoke' session and then I was off to take pics. In the process, I discovered that there was a whole separate section of the club underground - mega cool :D So we danced the night away, having the best Saturday night imaginable!

At around 3am, we left the club reluctantly; we walked back to Piccadilly quickly and reached our bus stop just as the N97 was pulling up... Darn! We had to wait for the next bus; in the mean time, I found some rancom 'club points' card on the ground - nothing interesting... our bus arrived and I started searching for my travel card (which I had randomly found at the tube station:). Well, I couldn't find it... or any of my ID and key cards for that matter... everything had disappeared! :O All my cards were in my camera bag and must have fallen out ... :S I looked through my pockets in a rush and started panicking internally at least... The bus was about to leave! AH! In the last possible moment, Jess and Rocio got on the bus as I rushed back to Verve...

Galloping to Leicester square, thoughts rushed through my heads - 'oh, mom, i lost my cards... again...' - not the best possible conversation... Also, I remembered the ATM incident earlier... I had taken money out as well... duh... And I stopped. There was one pocket I hadn't checked... Guess what? Everything was there! Jeeez, one day I'll get a heart attack like that!!! Hahaha... Yep. So I ran back to the bus stop and got the next bus back home yay!

Nighttime London is kinda gross. There are drunk people everywhere, there's broken glass, waste, puke, lost shoes and what not. Ugh. As long as you ignore the disgusting state of the pavement and avoid the swaying people all around, you can thoroughly enjoy the marvel and beauty of the London lights! :)