Monday 23 June 2008

Time for another blog...

Summer time.
Sizzling streets.
Sun is out, 24/7 (it's actually 23/6/08).
Sofia is hot. Everyone is sort of mad... :) I guess the heat waves don't really appeal to Bulgarians that much, especially to all those individuals who cannot go swim in the sea but are forced to drive around Sofia all day - to work and back, to the mall and back...

And in that atmosphere (talk about a lack thereof), I sit at home (currently at work) and think. And since my thoughts are no good if they're just in my head, I've decided to start yet another blog and let you all know what's happening inside, around, and over my head...

So hopefully I will be able to keep you up to date with my random adventures, just like old times. After all, blogs are fun and I miss having one. Hehe. Therefore now I have a total of 6 blogs, 2 or 3 of which I might actually update... lol. Efficiency at its best :P

Yes, as of today, I will spend my online time writing blog entries too, not just stalking individuals on Facebook (bless Facebook by the way).

See you soon!

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