Saturday 27 June 2009

Sinclar@Yalta, 26.06.09

Yesterday was a sad day for music. Probably everyone paid their own special tribute to the King of Pop, either by listening to nothing but Jacko all night, or called numerous toasts in honor of his greatness, or simply thought about the mysterious ways of life and death.

Here in Sofia, tributes started early; the first one I heard was a radio tribute at OMV gas station in the morning, then at the 3-in-1 BeatBox Battle in the evening. The final tribute, which technically ended at 6:30 in the morning, was in Yalta Club, Sofia, where we danced the night off under Bob Sinclar's beats and amazing music selections! What better way to pay respects to one incredible musician than by honoring another quite good one? Bob Sinclar totally pumped up the energy at the club, making it an unforgettable night (and morning...).

Here's to great music everywhere, all the time! Cheers!

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