Tuesday 9 September 2008

And So the Year of School Begins....

... it's been over a week since classes started and let me tell you, we already have more than enough work to do. What happened to the transition from summer to school time?! Oh wait... there was none! It seems that all of a sudden we have to be on top of school work and all that jazz again. Sigh. And I'm still lazy. Not in the sense that I don't want to do things, but I still haven't gotten into the fast school pace. Although let me tell you, I'm already a pro at the no-sleep regime...

Why no sleep? Cause I have interesting things to do in the morning... eg going out to take photos of a fish market at 5am in the morning! Whoopey! I'm so looking forward to that! (not really haha) But as you can probably guess, I either have to wake up ungodly early in which case sleep becomes obsolete (I wonder if that's the right word...) altogether... or I go to bed at around 3-4am, just before the sun prepares to rise. I usually prefer the second option - spending all night with friends, having fun, chilling around London... sigh. Right now though I'm killing time till 5 am.

London life is full of happenings as usual. I can't complain at all! I've met tons of new people, explored new areas of the city, and slowly started laying the foundation for a brand new school year! I still have my little Starbucks addiction... :) Caramel Macchiato's are my weakness! As is chocolate anything! However, I am looking for balance this time around, so I joined the local gym too - mainly cause it has a swimming pool!! (and I love swimming so much!)

London weather... typical. Rain. Rain. Oh wait! Suuuun! No, never mind, rain again... It is slightly depressing coming from a hot Bulgarian summer... But I suppose that's the natural order of things.

I'm living by Earl's Court station again in a triple room yet with only one roommate! Rocio spends more time with her hubby Andrew at their place, so Jessica and I were abandoned in a way. The good side of this, though, is that there's plenty of space for guests to sleep in - a whole extra bed and an impressively large floor ;)

I am excited about classes this year, especially one which has to do with graphic design and advertising. It sounds very promising!

All in all, life is good, school is good, all is great! Wish you all the best as well!!

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