Sunday 17 May 2009

Star Trek 2009

I have to admit, I've never been a particular fan of Star Trek; I'd only seen a few episodes of the show and quite a few spoofs of the show... On a scale of 1 to 10, my Star Trek IQ would probably measure up to about... 2.

However... all has changed now (among other things:). Several friends and I saw the new Star Trek movie at the theater a week ago, and it was AMAZING! EPIC even! All thumbs up! Why was it epic? (not necessarilly in order of importance)
1. Amazing cast; in my humble opinion, everyone played their part really well! Kudos!
2. Nice effects! Of course in the age when special effects are more important to a movie than the actual plot, it's understandable that a SciFi film would be full of FX, yet this one also had...
3. A cleverly twisted plot! Exciting enough for all the fans, explanatory enough for all people (like me) who had a very limited idea of the Star Trek concept.
4. The Enterprise - yeah, the word 'hot' can be used to describe that spaceship.
7. Scotty and the Russian kid - gotta love comic relief characters :D
8. You know what, just go ahead and watch the film already :) I promise you won't be disappointed! And if, for whatever reason, you do end up all miserable and bored after seeing it, ... well, too bad. :)

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