Sunday 25 January 2009

One week down...

I still can't believe the new semester is already rollin'.
Time is so unpredictable and flows in mysterious ways.

The past week has been full of new classes, old faces, new outings, old habits... It's been a week of adaptation, so to speak. Speaking of speech, I have instances when I randomly blurb out something in Bulgarian without even realizing it. Ha. It hasn't happened before - normally I can barely make a sentence in Bulgarian without inserting at least 2-3 English words in there, but now it's slightly different.

Anyway, my two favorite roomies and I started working on the Ultimate London BucketList which includes a whole bunch of places we want to visit before we leave London (not before we kick the bucket, okay?). It's time to start ticking items off that list cause before I know it .. poof... Uni will be over, and wham, the future shall slap us in the face in whatever way it wants :)

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