Wednesday 22 April 2009

Es war um 1780 und es war in Wien...

This song was possibly the creepiest song I'd heard - back when I was really, really young, around 3 years old. My parents brought me some VHS tapes from Austria with Disney cartoons and an introductory part about Vienna - with that song playing in the background. Ha, for some reason all I can remember is the song being really scary, I have no idea why :)

Funny, when we celebrated New Year's (or Sylvester) in Vienna in 2006/7 I think, we were out in front of the Rathaus there, enjoying a cool concert, public waltzing, and fireworks. Some band actually performed the classic Falco tune, only told the story of a little Dachshund which died from over-eating with sausages.. haha, get it, sausage-dog eating too many sausages? Oh... yea.. priceless, right? Either way, it's a cool song and I'm not afraid of it any more! :)


So apparently I'm dedicating this post to songs which scared me when I was little. I should certainly include:

That one gave me the creeps for the longest time! I really don't know why... But for some reason when I was listening to it, my fragile little brain was imagining horrible things like ghosts and skeletons and murder.. go figure hahaha. Totally f*ed up. Why? Noooo clue. It was just one of those songs that scarred me for life :)


Aaaand of course, this one:

Right, at least with that one I actually have an explanation as to why I found it creepy. (whereas with all other songs here it's some sort of freakishly irrational fear) This song was a hit when I was 7-8ish. Back in the day, we used to go to Sozopol, a town by the Black Sea, where my parents worked on the Apolonia Art Festival. I loved Sozopol - it was a quaint little town with tons of markets, cheap toys, and bootleg videos yeah! Also, there was a guy holding a live python in downtown Sozopol - you could take a picture with the snake and all that, but I never got to do it :( ... Sozopol by night was a whole different story, though! One part of the town in particular was so frightening to me that I had to close my eyes when passing by it - the old Roman bath ruins (I think that's what those were). The ruins are in a pretty popular area of the old town, so we would go there quite a bit. I had no problem with the ruins until the dreadful day when a colleague of my parents' told me there were skeletons in there that came out at night and kidnapped children. Who comes up with crap like that?! I've never liked the idea of skeletons chasing me, so naturally I was scared out of my mind. Despite that, my parents and I would always go hang out at this cafe right by the ruins, in the evening, when the '7 Seconds' song would loop almost infinitely! AH! Since then, I associate the song with the skeletons and ruins at Sozopol. Hence it's a creepy song.


To finish off this rather retro post, I'll include two songs which I absolutely loved!!! :D

Zucchero. We had a Zucchero tape that we listened to ALL the time in our car, all through the 90's :) Especially when we went skiing... This particular song - a very entertaining song to sing along to - was my favorite. The part where he sings 'Single man, single man, desperado' can be included in the list of most misinterpreted lyrics in the history of song-writing - by me, at least. All I know is that I was shouting 'Sirene, sirene' (Bulgarian for 'Cheese, cheese') at the top of my lungs when the song was on... Talk about high IQ, right? :) As soon as I learned a decent amount of English and listened to the song again, I sank to the ground when my childhood interpretation of the lyrics was killed by reality. And I felt pretty silly, no doubt about that.

Final happy song, again one of the first songs I remember... a song I was absolutely sure was written and performed by my parents for some reason, was none other thaaaan:

The Lambadaaaaaaaa... which was the theme song to all parties at our apartment back in 1989 and onwards... Wow, no wonder I thought my parents composed it - cause they were playing it ALL the time; and I was too young and undeveloped.. mentally.. to know that there was such a thing as a music industry. Haha, I can't believe how confused I was back then... And I can't believe I remember that!


That's it then. Hope this retrospective entry did not bore you to tears. Also, let me assure you that I'm a tad brighter now than I was back then. :) I actually know where songs come from and don't consider random tunes creepy (except for that '7 Seconds' one... brr..).

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